Pedometers Help Increase Physical Activity

Saturday, July 3, 2010

You're probably familiar with pedometers – those little gadgets that keep track of how many steps you walk. Research finds that people who use pedometers as a part of their exercise routines increase their physical activity by almost 25%. More steps per day equates to more calories burned and that means more weight loss. You can try using a pedometer to help you take charge of your physical activity.

Choosing a Pedometer
Pedometers come in many different styles. The most basic pedometers simply count the number of steps that you take. More complex pedometers can keep track of total distance walked and calories burned. However this information can be determined by doing some easy calculations. So it's not necessary to get a top of the line model. You can find a basic pedometer for under $25 with some as low as $8.

How to Use a Pedometer
The pedometer is a small device with a digital readout. The device clips onto your belt or the waist of your pants. Some pedometers come with an armband for those who prefer wearing them in this way. The pedometer records each step that you take. It works through motion – each time you take a step the motion records it. The pedometer needs to remain in a horizontal position and works best when it is placed in line with your knee – about midway between your hip and your belly button.

How to Know How Far You Walked
The pedometer records every step that you make. About 1,000 steps is equal to about a half-mile. Since everyone has a slightly different pace when walking it is recommended that you determine exactly how many steps you walk in an average mile. To do this take your pedometer to a marked track. Start the pedometer at 0 and walk around the track the number of times necessary to make a mile. Then see how many steps you recorded. It's that easy. You can keep track of how many steps or how many miles you walk in a day.

Getting Started with a Pedometer
Using a pedometer is a great way to add more exercise to your day and to stay motivated. Before you begin using your pedometer read the instructions carefully so you understand how to use it. Most pedometers are very simple to operate. To begin with try wearing your pedometer on a typical day. At the end of the day see how many steps you have taken. Now set goals for yourself by trying to add more steps to your day. For those who are new to exercise it's wise to start this or any exercise regime slowly. You can try to add 500 additional steps each week until you are walking a greater distance.

Setting Goals
Your pedometer will help you set exercise goals for yourself. You can see how using a pedometer can help you to increase your exercise routine easily. When reviewing your results keep in mind that there are about 2,000 steps in a mile. As you become more aware of your physical activities and add more workout time you'll likely be able to meet and beat all your exercise goals.


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